姓名: - 国籍: 中国 目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族 户口所在地: 湖南 身材: 169 cm kg 婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 22 岁 培训认证: 诚信徽章:
人才类型: 应届毕业生 应聘职位: 英语翻译:英语翻译 贸易类 外贸业务、外贸助理 工作年限: 0 职称: 无职称 求职类型: 全职 可到职- 随时 月薪要求: 1500--20xx 希望工作地区: 广州 个人工作经历: 公司名称: 长沙爱家超市起止年月:20xx-07 ~ 20xx-07 公司性质: 所属行业: 担任职务: 业务员 工作描述: 离职原因:
毕业院校: 湖南信息科学职业学院 最高学历: 大专 毕业- 20xx-07-01 所学专业一: 商务英语 所学专业二: 受教育培训经历: 起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号 20xx-09 20xx-07 湖南信息科学职业学院 商务英语 大专,国家英语应用能力考试证
语言 ……此处隐藏3293个字……l presentation, technical and commercial contract signing, basic/detail engineering design, installation and process start up, coordination with US engineering department and PRC clients and local engineering company.
Sept 1997Aug 20xx. Hosokawa Shanghai Representative Office, Representative and Area sales manager
As the founder of the rep office, I was mainly responsible for daily management and operation of the office.
In terms of sales, I have been taking care of domestic marketing for Japan, Europe and US based subsidiaries, including, but not limited to,
German based ALPINE, for grinding, classifying and engineering facilities, whose customers scattered over the sectors of pharmaceutical, chemical and mining